09.10.2021, 3 p.m. – Lecture at PRORA-ZENTRUM by Stephan Schack “Does the East tick differently? “Stephan Schack, a freelance consultant and coach for democracy and human rights, was born and raised in Jena. He presents in his lecture “Does the East tick differently? GDR Socialization and Disenchantment with Democracy – A Neuroscientific Perspective on a Social Problem”, he will present the results of several years of research. It is about the connections between the experiences of many people in the GDR dictatorship and current moods, which can be perceived in protest movements and election results. As part of the current temporary exhibition at PRORA-CENTER, “Umbruch Ost. Lebenswelten im Wandel”, Stephan Schack will delve into a special topic in his lecture, which presents many current references.
Interested parties are cordially invited. 3G rules apply, please register with PRORA-CENTER by phone or mail, admission is free.